The Oxford-AstraZeneca vaccine contains an artificial double stranded DNA that can be injected into our nucleus of cells. The artificial DNA is stored with the coronavirus’s genetic info for building some special spike protein. These spike proteins could attach to the coronavirus’ surfaces and in that way they can lead T- cell to recognize and identify the intruder viruses!
The theory of DNA vaccine is different from the mRNA vaccines that are developed by Pfizer-BioNTech and Moderna, which store the instructions in single-stranded RNA. It does not interrupt the nucleus of the cells and it only gives out the instructions to mRNA within the cell so in that way it causes less confusion and damage to our body. However, these artificial mRNA will not last too long so we need two injections! The most important thing is that it is likely SAFE!
Now, the issue is the DNA vaccine is likely causing a blood clotting issue in some cases! The problem should be re-examined immediately before it is too late!
Several countries like Thailand, Norway and Denmark have temporarily stopped the injection plan of the vaccine. More information are required before we can proceed this vaccine! Be aware!
Also, the traditional way of vaccine that is developed by Communist China could be likely too violent to our body. If you are over 65 years old , please do not take it! It is very risky. A traditional vaccine like the “ live-attenuated vaccine” is a living weakened version of the coronavirus that is used to inject into your body and expectantly it causes an immune response of your body system to the virus. However, the dose of vaccine for different person is a challenge! That is why it takes so long for development. Usually it takes several years! The worse thing is that this kind of old “line attenuated vaccine” may not effective to the new variances!