Free Registration
WUSIT Communication Network - Connecting People and Their Dreams
Registration and Login
Friend Connection
Member Profile
Profile Visibility Settings
Blog Application
Job Application
Forum Application
Messaging & Live Chating
Account Upgrading
Job Network (Job Account)
Biz/Org Network (Biz/Org Account)
Private Sharing Spaces
Free Countrywide Adv
Free Local Adv
Account Termination
Sharing To Wusit
Preferred Social City
Private Document
Business Connection
Website Directory
Rewards Points
Forgot Password
Tablet Version
Promotion & Coupon
Local Safety Alert
WUSIT.com Is a Web Based Communication Network.
The Network is a trusted platform where eveyone are able to exchange and share their information with others.
(Last Updated on 3/12/2019)
Free Member Registration - Two Steps
It will take almost five minutes to complete this registration.
Step 1:
You need a reachable email for this registration. Our Password Change, Account Activation and Friend Connection are all required a valid email for communication. (Do not waste time on trying a fake email, it will never work.)
When you are ready, go to
[Free Registration]
page, fill in all required info and click "Sign Up" button. Then, the program will send you an activation
to your email box. Please check your email box.
Note: Sometimes, the email may go to your JUNK folder if you are using MS Outlook and Gmail. Please double check! Anyway, thanks to their "Good Job", even if we never send anyone a junk email !
Step 2:
Sign on your email box. When you find our email, you need to click the green button
Activate Free Member Account
to complete your registration. After click, you will be redirected back to our website. In here, the registration is completed!
All Accounts are free forever including the Job and Biz/Org Account that you may need it later.
We will
share your email to third party and will
send the adverting materials to your personal email. Your privacy is our promise. We do not want the Info Abusement. See
Privacy Policy
Primary Member Account
Your registered account is the
Primary Member Account
that is used for social network purpose. This account is the only account that requires email and password for verification. You can add Job and Biz/Org Accounts at any time when you need them. For other types of Accounts upgradation, you need the Reward Points.
The 'Primary Member Account' inludes personal profile, friend connection, LIKE and FOLLOW, text messages, live chat, chat room, open blogs, forums and so on. Plus, it can be linking to local Job Network and Biz/Org Network which provide local news, safety alerts, events, jobs, promotions, business info and so on.
Note: Those addtional functions are only sitting on their own titled pages, you will see them only when you click on them. It will not bother you nor affact your web user experience.
For the Job Account, it provides job application, resume and job alert. please see "Job Network" section for details.
For the Biz/Org Account, please see "Biz/Org Network" section for details.
If you have a question, please submit your question on
Contact Us
page or you can post your question on our
If you forgot your password, click the "
Forgot Password
" Link to retrieve it back. Thank you.
We also put a "User Instruction" on almost every User Pages. You can click on the blue link button and it will show you how to use the page and how to get things done step by step.
How To Make a Friend Connection?
Step 1. Go to [Profile Search] page. Input a person's last name and first name then search. You can either input first name or last name. Repeating the same process until you find the right person.
Step 2. Each user on the search result list will have user's Profile Link and User Photo. Look through each page to find the person who you want to connect to.
Step 3. When you decide to connect a person, you need to click on the "Connection Request" button. The blue "Connection Request" button is located on the top right corner of [User Profile] page. Click on it. That's it. Your work is done.
Step 4. When the person receives your request, he/she can choose to accept it or reject it. If the person accepts it, then you guys are connected. Otherwise, it is not.
If you could not find your friends on our community network, that means your friend is not a member yet. In that case, you may want to invite her/him to join our network. The invitation tool is located on [invite_friends.aspx] Page. You can find it on same place on the [Connection] directory.
During the Connection Approval time, you can see the request status on the [Pending Request] page. It will also show a "Pending" status on the friend's profile page when you open it.
After you guys are connected, you are ready to talk to each other. You will get 20 "Rewards Points" for the connections - see "Rewards Points" section for details.
If you already signed in, click here -
Search Friends And Make A Connection
You will be able to send a reminding message to your friend if you have been waiting for so long.
How To Accept a Friend's Connection Request
There are two ways to accept friend's connection request.
First way can be done on our website. All requests will be shown up on the [Friend Request] page. You just need to click on the "Accept Connection" button to accept the request. That's all. An notification message will be auto sent to your friend when a request is being accepted.
The second way is to be done on the email. When a friend requests a connection to you, a request message will be sent to your email box. You need to click the "Accept Connection" button to accept the request on the email.
Friend Connection Removal
Friend removal function is located on the [Friend List] page.
When you remove a friend, the friend connection will be broken. You guys will not be able to see each other on the website after that. You will not be able to send or receive the removed friend's message neither.
Friend As a Family Member
Your friend can be one of your family member. You can mark a friend as a family member on [Friend Edit] page.
After you have taged it, the visibility of that friend will be auto changed to "family" group. It has a higher visibility than friend group.
Profile - Social Network
Profile Interface
Your "Primary Member Account" has a public profile page. That means it is a page that can be viewed by everyone. It is served as a media that you are communicating with your friends and others.
Profile page is divided into two parts: your personal information on top and your social network info on bottom.
Your personal information includes your facial photo, name, birthday, city, website url and about you. For visibility setting on your personal info please read the "Profile Visibility" section.
Be aware: You must setup a preferred social city in order to get a better service and to connect to other networks!
In addition, there are several buttons on this part. The "Edit Profile" button is clickable for profile editor. The "message" icon on the page shows you the total messages that you have in your message box. A friend can send you a message when this icon is being clicked.
The social network includes these applications: activity, blog, friend list, friend activities, for sale, local advertisement, local event, local promotion and so on. They are grouped into one profile. They could be shown or hidden depending on user's account types.
If you already signed in, click here -
Go To [Profile Editor] Page Now
Profile Editor - Personal Info
To edit your personal information, click the green "Edit" button on your [Profile] page. It redirects you to the "Profile Editor" page.
When you are on the editor page, fill out compulsory info and select NEXT button to setup the visibility of your info. Please fill out your info clearly so your friends will know it is your profile and they could be easier to find you on SEARCH.
For the Visibility Setting, please read the "Profile Visibility" section.
Profile Editor - Social Network Info
The social network info are activity, blog, friend list, friend activities, for sale, local advertisement, local event, local promotion and so on. For a member type account, a few of these applications have their own editors. Most of them are just for displaying prupose. They are not editable.
The activity, blog, for sale have their own editors in member account. The local advertisement, local event, local promotion are managed by the Biz/Org Account users so you do not need to worry about them.
To add an activity, click on the camera icon, it will drop down a date of your activity. You need to select a date to continue. Then, type in your activity info on the content box then save it. That is it. You has created a activity.
The activity page has a photo uploading function. This tool allows you to upload photos to your activity. To access this tool, click on the red camera icon. It will open an uploading page for you. Select a photo to upload or modify your activity content.
The Activity Photo has its visibility. Uncheck the checkbox next to a photo to hide it or check the photo to show it on activity page. After you have done your work, click "save" and "done" buton to complete the work.
Blog editor instruction is on the [Blog Application] section.
For-Sale editor is very similar to the blog editor. Click "Add a New Sale" button on the "For Sale" icon on [Profile] page, it will open "For Sale" page for you. Type in subject and then press "Add" button. It will show up a TEXT editor. Complete your remaining work and then save. Now, go back to your [Profile] page. Open the "For Sale" tag you will see your just added "For Sale" item.
Profile Visibility
User Info Visibility Setting
Your public profile is including your personal information. Please remember to fill it out so your friends can identify you easily when they are searching for you.
Your public Profile Visibility setting is on the [Profile Visibility] page. Profile Visibility setting decides what personal info you will share with your friends.
To set Personal Info visibility, press the green button on [Profile Visibility] page
button to display the info you want to show. If you do not want it to be visible to public then press the
button to make it private. If you set it to "public" then everyone can see it.
By default setting, your profile personal info are on "private" status.
If you already signed in, click here -
Go To [Profile Editor] Page Now
Activity Visibility Setting
Your activities are located on the [Public Profile] page. It has its visibility setting too.
You can decide which activity to be visible to the different group of people . Click on the dropdown list on the right top corner and select viewer's group. This visibility is divided into five groups: self, family, friends, wusit members and public.
For instance, if you select the "public" group, then the whole world can see your activities and photos.
If you select the "members" group, then the wusit members, friends, family can see activities and your photos.
If you select the "friends" group, then friends, family can see your activities and photos.
If you select the "family" group, then family and yourself can see your activities and photos.
If you select the "self(private)" group, then only you can see your activities and photos.
In addition, the activity photos has the visibility setting too. You can show and hide any photo on an activity. This function is located on [Activity Edit] page.
Resume Visibility Setting
[Resume] Page has its own Visibility setting. It can be set to [all WUSIT members] or [private]. Private means it is visible to yourself only.
However, when you are applying for a job on our website. Your resume will be auto displayed to recruiter but it will not be displayed to other members. After 60 days, your resume will be hidden again from recruiter.
You can change resume Visibility on [Job Editor] page.
Followers and Friends Activities Visibility Settings
[Friends Activities] page is set to visible to "All Wusit Users" by system so it can not be changed. [Followers] page is set to visible to "Public" by system. It can not be changed.
For Biz/Org Account visibility, it is same as Member Account setting as we descripted above.
Personal Blog
Our BLOG is a public application. It is open to the public and each blog essay has an unique URL for search engines. Each member will have their own blog.
The blog also has a visibility setting which is located on the [Blog Editor] page.
To add a blog, go to [blog editor] page. Select categories and give it a subject, then click "Add" button. It will show up a HTML/Text Editor for you. Then, you can work on your content.
The blog editor has an image uploading function. The uploaded image size can be ajusted on HTML mode if you know how to do it. For Example: An image on HTML mode will be like this below.
<img id="02knkmB+9wA=" style="width:80%; height:80%; "src="https://wusit.com/...">
All you need to do is to change the width and height. The percentage number is from 1 to 100.
You will be rewarded with "Rewarded Points" for each blog you have published.
After you finished your blog essay, you could choose to publish it or archive it on your private folder if you do not have enough time to complete your blog. The default mode of blog article is public.
When you are writing a blog, you should oftenly save your work to avoid the loss of work. Our internet Blog Application has a time-out for security reason.
A blog article has a MAX word limitation. It is limited to 100000 words. See "HTML/TEXT Editor" section for details.
Open Blogs
When you set your blog to be "public", your public blog will be shown up on two places: your profile and the open blog application.
Each article of your blog is attached by an unique URL so it can be searched by users and the internet search engines. Your knowledge may help others.
If you already signed in, you can access it now with this link.
Access [Bolg Editor] Application Now
This is for the public access.
Access [Open Bolg] Application Now
Importing Third Party Content Or URL Link To Your Blog
Sometimes, you would like to share an article with friends which is outside WUSIT network. In that case, the "Blog Sharing Tool" can help you out that it imports the article to WUSIT blog application. If are a programmer, read the
page for more instructions.
You can always post your question on our Forum. Many people would like to help you out.
Job Services For General Members
We provide a free local 'Open Job' application to all our members. If you are a person who is looking for a local job opportunity, then this tool is handy for you.
To get started, first you need a free "Job Account" to access this application. You can get a free Job Account on [Job Acct Registration] page. It is located on the Dropdownlist on the right top corner of the menu bar. The registration takes less than five minutes.
For more details on how to get a Job Account, please go to [Job Network] section.
Job Search And Apply
To use the "Job Search" tool, you can find it on the "WUSIT Menu" or on the [Directory] page. First, you search a job by job title or subject. The result will be displayed on a list. Click on each URL link to see the job detailed information: job description, recruiter and location.
When you are ready to apply for a job, you click the green "Apply" button on the [Job Application] page. The program will auto send your application and resume to the recruiter. Be aware, before you apply for a job, you should have your resume ready. Otherwise, the recruiters will not be able to see it.
Job Services Management Tool
The Management Tool has three applications: Applied Jobs List, Job Alert and Resume.
Your applied jobs will be listed on [Job List] page. In here, you will be able to see all your applied jobs.
Job Alert
If you have not seen a right job, then you would like to setup a job alert on the [Job Alert] page. The program will auto send you the job alert when a job is matching your defined category by email.
For privacy reason, after 60 days your resume will be hidden again from the recruiters so they will not longer to see it.
The job alerts can be turned off. Just uncheck the checkboxes on the 'Alert List' then it will be OFF.
Open Forum - Questions & Answers
Froum and Blog applications are open to the public. Every members can post their topics in Forum. You will have a forum Management Tool to manage your questions.
Each Forum thread/topic/question is assigned with an unique URL so it can be searched by users and internet search engines.
To add a question on Forum is very similar to Blog Application. First select a category and then add a subject , then it will show you a HTML/Text Editor. Type in your content then press "save" button. You should oftenly save your content during your editing. Our application has a time-out protection. The Editor will be staying on same page when yuo are saving yuor cotnent.
Note: In case of time-out, the program will ask you to re-login. You type in the password on the green bar and then contunue your editing. Please do not refresh your page. Refreshing will lose your unsaved works.
We are a communication network. We encourage everyone to post their questions or answer other's questions in the Forums. Keep it in mind, your knowledge and experience may help other peoples.
How do you mark a correct answer?
When someone answers your question correctly, please mark it as a correct answer. It helps others to find the answer quickly. How to do that?
Step 1. The correct answer is a green tick which is located on the "REPLY" block, click on it. It will show you a page that you can set a correc answer.
Step 2. Check the checkbox to make it a correct answer.After an answer is marked as a correct answer, a green tick sign will be shown up on the right top corner.
You will get "Rewards Points" for your answsers and questions.
Open Forum - Discussion Rules
We do have FORUM rules for users to follow.
1. Please do not harass, abuse or harm another user, including sending or posting unwelcomed messages and content to others.
2. Please do not act dishonestly by posting inappropriate, illegal content.
See our terms of services for more details.
How to Send a Message
Before you get hands on this service, you need to connect to at least one friend first. However, you still are able to receive messages from others.
To send a message to your friends, select a friend on the "Receivers" drop down list. After selected, the receiver will be auto displayed on "To Whom" list. You can continue to select second friend and so on if you want to send a message to several friends. Finish the subject and content then click "SEND" button.
This is not an email application. It is an internal text messaging tool for members's communication use.
Our servie alerts are sent to you through this application so it is a very handy communication tool on our networks. You may need to check it oftenly because you may get an important alert sometimes.
If you already signed in, click here -
Go To Message App Now
Note: The program will auto alert your friends when you are doing some public activities. It would save a copy of message on your [Sent] folder after it sent out an alert. For instance, you have published or uploaded a photo, then the program would auto alert your friends about the uploaded photo.
Chat Room
It is a chat room application. It allows several people chating at same time like a net meeting.
To access "Chat Room", simplely click [Chat Room] icon
on the top of the menu bar. It will redirect you to the chatroom page. On the chat room menu, there is a " Add a Participant " selection. Select a friend you want to invite then it will auto send out an invitation message. Your friend will need to click on the "LINK" to join your chat room.
If you are invited by your friend to a chatroom, you will receive a same invitation message LINK on [Message] box. Click it to log on your friend's chatroom.
Your Chat Room may have a password protection setting. If it is locked with a password then everyone will need the password to join in. If you do not set up a password then your Chat Room is public.
If you already signed in, this function is located on
Chat Room
Live One-On-One Chat
It is a web chat application. It is designed for two persons chatting in One-On-One scenario.
To access "Live Chat", simplely click [live Chat] icon
on the top of the menu bar if your friend has sent you a chat message. Otherwise,
Go To your [Profile], on [Friend List] page, you will see a "Chat" Link on the top left corner of each of your friend's list.
Click on the "Live Chat" link, it will open the chat application.
Chat & Chat Room Messages Auto Clean Up
All Chat Messages that are older than six months will be auto deleted permanently. Please keep it in mind.
Chat Room messages are deleted within one month. It is depending on the program running time.
This clean up job does not apply to "Message Application". All messages in your Message Box will be kept unless you removed them by yourself.
Account Upgrading Policy
The 'Social Network Account' is the Primary Account on WUSIT Communication Network.
The "Job Account" is a basic account for people who wants a job related functions.
The "Biz/Org Account" is a basic account for people who wants a business related services.
When you earn enough Rewards Points from your web activities, you can use them for upgrading your account. It is free of charge and it is only upgradable with "Rewards Points". WUSIT provides several types of accounts for members. Each account type has different tools and applications. Those tools are designed for the specific uses. For example, the "Social Network Account" has all social networking tools for communication; the "Biz/Org Account" is given the job recruitment tool for job publishment and submission. A "Job Account" has the Job Searching Tool, resume and job applying tools.
Note: Your rewards points will NOT be deducted on upgrading. You can keep your points and accumulate them to the next account upgrading.
Everyone can get at least one free Biz/Org Account for business use. Each account has one profile so each profile holds one business.
The upgrading is reversible. You can always go back to your original account type if you do not like your upgraded account. It can be changed on the same place on the [Settings] page.
You can switch "back and forth" to any account type that you are eligible to so it means you will not lose previous account during the switchings.
Job Account For General Members
One social network account sometimes is not good enough to hold all friends because your friends could be your co-workers and job agents. To avoid confusion, you may probably want them to connect to your "Job Account" instead of a "Social Network Account". In that case, you may need a Job Account to achieve that.
A Job Account can be used as the purposes of job seeking, resume keeper and all job related activities.
The Job Account is for members who need job functions. You can use your current primary 'Member Account' to get a 'Job Account'. Each member could have one "Job Account".
Job Applications and Job Account are primary elements of Job Network.
Job Account Registration
To get a free Job Account, go to the Dropdown List on right top menu bar and click the 'Job Account Reg' tag. If you already signed in, click here to access
[Free Job Account Registration]
page. (Note: Without Login, you will be redirected to [Home] page.)
On [Job Account Registration] page, enter First Name and Last Name, then subimit it. Do not worry about other personal info. You will be able to add your info on [Profile Editor] page later.
After submitted, go to "Directory", click on 'Job Account' link tag. You will be auto signned in your job account then.
The Job Account profile works similar as your Member Account. It has some additinal functions on Job related activities. To go back to your primary "Member Account", there is a shortcut icon on top menu bar. It looks like this
. Click this icon, then you will be directed back to your primary account - social network account.
Job Account Profile Management
The Job Account is similar to your Member Account. They are sharing most functions but they are different on interface. You do not need a password to sign on Job Account.
The Job Account Profile is similar to your Member Account Profile. You should already know how to use it. If you are not sure, please read the "Member Profile" section.
Your Resume
To access the resume page, login Job Account, go to [Profile] page, click on the "Resume" icon on the "Profile" Menu. It will open a resume editor for you. Basically, it is a HTML/TEXT editor. Type in content and save it.
Resume has a visibility setting. You can set it to be "wusit members" access or private. In addtion, you can setup a "Access Code" for your resume. People who has your provided "access code" then they will be able to view your resume.
Job Application
Please go to "Job Application" section for details. We mentions it in here because it is a part of Job Network.
Local Biz/Org Network
We support Local Businesses and Communities.
If you have a business and you want to link your business to local mommunity network. You would like to have a free Biz/Org Account to achieve that.
A Biz/Org Account can be used for event annoucement, job recruitment, adv and services promotion.
We provide free Business Accounts to all members. You can use your current 'Member Account' to add a 'Biz/Org Account'. Each member can have three business accounts.
Biz/Org Account Registration
To get a Biz/Org Account, go to Dropdown List on right top menu and then click the 'Biz/Org Account Reg' tag. The form will be shown up on 'Free Biz/Org Account Registration' page, enter Business Name and types, then submit. The program will auto create an account for you. You will be able to add other business info on 'Profile Editor' page later.
If you already signed in, then you can go to this link
free business registration page
After account is being created, go to "Directory" page, click on 'Business/Organization Account' tag. You will see all your Biz/Org Account(s) on a list. Select one of them, you will auto log on your Biz/Org Account then. Of course, if you have one Biz/Org Account then you will see one only on the list.
The Biz/Org Account is operated in a same way as the member account. The difference is you can use your Biz/Org Account for business activities.
To go back to your primary "Member Account", there is a quick Access Icon on top menu bar. It looks like this image
. Click this icon, then you will be directed back to your Primary Account.
Biz/Org Account management
You do not need a password to sign in your Biz/Org Account. As we descripted above, you just need to clck a URL link on [Biz/Org Account List] page to sign in. They are linked. Again, to go back to your member account, just click on the "primary account" icon. You will be able to switch "back and forth" on your two accounts at anytime.
The business profile is very similar to member profile. If you already know how to edit member profile then you should not have problem on the business profile.
Our Business Website - WUSIT LLC
. It is for public.
Each Biz/Org Account holds one business. If you have three businesses then you will need to get three business accounts. If you want more than 3 accounts, then you need to send a special request to us.
This type of account has an advertising function. If you need an advertisement service, please read the instructions on [Free Advertisement] section. All services are free. If it is a pay service then it will show you a payment page. We are a honored business and will
promote a hidden fee or charge.
Recruitment Posting Tool
The Biz/Org Account has a Job Posting tool, it allows you to post a job recruitment on WUSIT network for free.
To access this tool, login Biz/Org Account and then go to "Directory" page. Click on the "Recruitment Editor" link, then it will redirect you to the destination.
To add a job to job network is very easy, you just need to enter all required info on the job editor page. Click the "Submit" button to add.
If you have already signed in, see the Employer's Editor page on
Post A New Job
You can find your posted job(s) info and the applicants' resume(s) on this
[Posted Job(s)]
With compliant to WUSIT software development guideline, all those blue words are URL. They are clickable. Please try them out yourself.
There is a tool to modify the job info on [job editor] page. Basically, it is a HTML/TEXT editor that you should already use it before.
Other Applications
The above applications are primary elements of Biz/Org Account. In addition, our Biz/Org Network includes several applications: Local events, local advertisement, promotions, feedback and recruitment.
You can access these applications on your business "Profile" page. They are used in same way as HTML/TEXT editor. You should already know how to use it.
Photos Sharing With Selected Friends
Besides "Profile Activity" application, we provide an additional photos sharing tool to our members. When you want to share some photos only with specific selected friends, then this tool will be very useful and handy.
Sharing Spaces tool is located on "WUSIT Menu" - Those two little icons on the left top corner. First, you need to create a sharing space and then you add your specific friend(s) to your sharing list. After that, your selected friends will be able to see your photos on your sharing space.
Each sharing space has its own sharing list and setting so only the person who is on the sharing list will be able to view your photos.
You will be able to add and remove your sharing friends with add/removal tool. You can make your photos invisible too by unchecking the checkbox that is next to the photo.
For online shops, franchises, wholesalers, global Firms and e-commerce businesses
A sucessful org, business firm or a group needs advertising. If you are not advertised, nobody will know your event/news/products/services that are available on the market even if they are good for their benefit. The advertising helps people find the availible services for their best interests.
How To Add a FREE Adv
If you already got a Biz/Org Account, go to [Advertising] page first. Click on Add/Edit tag and add a new advertising. After you enter all advertising information, click "Save" and "Next".
You will be redirected to a location selection page. On the list of country/countries , checking the checkboxes to select countries for your advertising. Click on "Next" button
For now you will have the two payment choices: You need to select one to check out.
Choice 1. You choose a free adv then it will redirect you to the [Free Advertising] page. Just click "Publish" Button, then it will publish your advertising right the way. It is free for everyone.
You may have a "Promotion Code" from us. Click on the "Select Free Adv With Promo Code" button. Enter the code and then click "Publish" Button, the program will publish your advertising right the way. That's it. You will not see the Payment Page.
Choice 2. If you want to sponsor us, you can choose the "Paid Service".
On [checkout] page, move the slider of "Advertising Fee" to choose the estimated expectation of your advertising.
Select an "Advertising Duration". It is from one month to twelve months.
After you click "Paypal | Check Out" Button, a Paypal button will be shown up on the top right corner. Click on it, it will popup a Paypal login page, now login your Paypal account to pay the fee. After payment, your adv will be auto published.
Now, go back to the "Local Advertising" application, you will see your adverting on the list.
Adv Management Tool
There is a tool for advertisement. It has tracking info, expiration date and payment history.
Your advertisement will be shown up on the "Countrywide Advertising" Network. Go to Countrywide Advertising Application, select a location and you will see it there on the list.
If you have any comments, please go to our business profile and send us a feedback. Your suggestion is valued to us.
For retails, restaurants, suppermarkets, local banks, medical facilities and other local businesses
The Local Adv Application is to let localers know where the local events, job recruitments, product discounts and services are available on local community. It is an interaction between the businesses and the local communities.
How To Add a FREE Local Adv?
To Add a local advertising, go to [Local Advertising] page first. Click on Add/Edit tag and add a new advertising. After you type in all advertising information, click "Save" and "Next".
The, it will show up an editor for you. Enter all advertising information, click "Save" and "Next".
You will be redirected to a location selection page. Click on the list of "States/Provinces" dropdown, then select your advertising "cities" by checking the checkboxes to make a selection. Then click on "Next" button
For now you will have two payment choices:You need to select one to check out.
Choice 1. If you choose a free adv then it will redirect you to the [Free Advertising] page. Just click "Publish" Button, then it will publish your advertising right the way. It is free for everyone.
Optional: You may have a "Promotion Code" from us. Click on the "Select Free Adv With Promo Code" button. Enter the code and then click "Publish" Button, the program will publish your advertising right the way. That's it. You will not see the Payment Page.
Choice 2. If you want to sponsor us, you can choose the "Paid Service".
On [checkout] page, move the slider of "Advertising Fee" to choose the estimated expectation of your advertising.
Select an "Advertising Duration". It is from one month to twelve months.
After you click "Paypal | Check Out" Button, a Paypal button will be shown up on the top right corner. Click on it, it will popup a Paypal login page, now you can login your Paypal account to pay the fee. After payment, your adv will be published.
Now, go back to the "Local Advertising" application, you will see your adverting on the list.
Adv Management Tool
There is a tool for advertisement. It has tracking info, expiration date and payment history.
Adv Application
The advertisement will be shown up on the "Local Advertising" Network now. Go to [Local Advertising] Application, select a location and then click "next". You will see your adv like this.
The local advert will be shown up on another location that is on the [User Profile] page under the "Local Advert" tag.
(Note: This page is an independent page that it will not affact member's user experience. That means only a member clicks it then it will be shown up otherwise it will never intensionally bother others.)
If you have any comments, please go to our business profile and send us a feedback. Your suggestion is valued to us.
Account termination
If you do not like our services, you can terninate your account at any time with no reasons.
Please send us
a message
with your user's name and email.
We will remove your account within 30 days after we reveive your cancelation message.
You can always re-activate your account later on but be aware you may lose all your photos and data. Please backup them first before you sene us a message.
Thank You.
Sharing To Wusit Blog and Forum
First, you need a free WUSIT member account in order to share content from outside.
If you want to share something interesting with your friends, like essays, blog articles, image links, news, pictures, advertisement and so on, you can use our Blog|Froum Sharing Tool to import them to WUSIT website from other websites.
We provide two ways of sharing: link or link/content. All imported content will be saved either on your blog or on your forum on WUSIT. You can choose which application to hold your shared content.
For more details, please go to
Developers Page
Your Preferred Social City
After you created an account with us, you will see a green "Preferred Social City" reminding bar on your profile page. Click on it then it will redirect you to the [Profile_Edit] page.
A Preferred Social City is a region that you want to link to your friends.
You must select a city in order to link to our networks.
You can also click on "Edit" button on profile page to get to [Profile_Edit] page.
For a business, it is located on [profile_edit_b] page. Again, you must select a located city in order to link to our networks.
Private Document
This application is for people who want a personal note and diary.
The Private Document is protected by a password. You need to use your login password to open it.
We have a shortcut key for this application. It is on the middle top meu bar. To add a new private document, click on the document icon then it will open a document editor for you.
Do not forget to save your work oftenly as you know our network has a time-out setting for security reason.
Business Connection
Wusit Network is a combination of four major networks. You will be able to connect to members and Local Businesses.
In that way, your connections are divided into two groups: Member and Business.
To link to a business, it is same way that you link to a member. The connection link is located on the "Business Profile" page. You click on it to send a connection request to the business. The difference is that you will get local business promotions when you are connecting to a business. The business promotion is located on your "Local Promotions" tag on your [Profile] page.
In addition, you will see the local events that are hosted by the local businesses. It is located on the "local events" tag on your [Profile] page.
and more...
Website Directory
Wusit Network is a combination platform of four major networks and at least ten account types. It has over twenty five web applications running on the background. Sometimes, you sign into other wusit accounts from your primary account so you may want to get back to the default account as soon as possible. In this way, we need a directory. A useful directory page helps us to get to other spot quickly. As you know, it is such a huge website so we need a handy navigation tool to get around just in case.
If you forgot where you are comming from then you can always click the "Directory" icon to go back to main page.
The directory has a list of major applications for the account that it is belonging to.
There are two account links with * sign listed on directory: Job and Business ccount. Clicking on it will sign you in to its account.
Different accounts will have different listed links on the directory.
This simple text editor comes with online editing function that it allows you to modify your input content on the web page. It is very similar to "Microsoft Words", if you know how to use WORDS then you should not have a problem.
Basically, you select your content and then click on the [Editor Button] then it will apply the style your selected content.
Those editing function are allowed to modify the properties of fonts, to change the color on the background, to upload an image and so on.
You may want to upload an image sometimes when you are writing a blog, an article and an promotion. The "Image Upload" tool allows you to upload an image to your blog, forum, advertiging and other business applications. The image will be immidiately displayed on the editor after uploading. You also can delete it during editing.
The editor has a word limit. It counts the letters of HTML codes for the word check. If you exceed the word limit, you pobabily get too many redundant HTML letters in your content. To remove extra HTML codes, you can use our tool to do it or you can copy & paste your content on "Microsoft Words" or "Microsoft Wordpad" then re-copy back to this editor. In that way, it will reduce a lot of un-neccessary HTML style letters so your word count will complie to the requirement. The
"Microsoft Wordpad"
appllication is located on the "Window Accessories" directory. You can find it on the Windows Menu.
You can always use our [Remove Styles] function on our HTML Editor to remove all attached style on your content. This function will give you a plain text content.
Note: In case of time-out, the program will ask you to re-login. You type in the password on the green bar and then contunue your editing. Please do not refresh your page. Refreshing will lose your unsaved works.
Rewards Points
The Rewards Points are used for Account Upgrading purpose and e-Card purchase.
WUSIT provides several upgradable account types for members. They are advance, pro, VIP, and AI account types. These accounts are enpowered with some specific functional tools that we developed.
Job and Business Accounts are not upgradable.
How do you earn the "Rewards Points"? Well, it can be earned from your network activities. For example, when you post a blog or write a forum article or apply for a job you will earn the Points.
You can find the "Rewards Points" on the [Setting] page. It tells you how many points you currently have.
Forgot Password
The reset password process is very easy.
Step 1. You need to submit your account email to our program then it will send you a "Reset Password" link to your "email box".
Step 2. You click on the green "Reset Password" link button on the email.
Step 3. After click, you will be redirected back to our [Reset Password] page. Now, Enter your new password and click on "submit". That's it.
Use your new password to log in again.
Switch Off Mobile Detector
You may use iPad or a tablet device to access our website. In that case, it is good to view website on tablet size browser.
To do this, go to
WUSIT mobile home
page, and then click the [Tablet Version]. It will redirect you to the regular website. The indicator icon shows up green color like this
, that means the mobile detector is ON. If it is on red color then it is OFF.
When you choose the Tablet version, it will auto turn off the mobile detector.
The default value is set to [on]. However, sometime this setting would be cached. If it is not reset, then you need to manually clear out your browser history and cookie. You can also close and reopen your browser to get the same result.
Internet & Local Promotions
If you are intresting in promotion, you can find it on the Promition page. It is a befinit for all members.
Internet Promotions
page may include our promotions, our affiliates and other businesses' promotions.
Most Local Promotions are listed by the local businesses.
If you want to know the local promotion in your city, you can find the local promotion on your profile under PROMOTION tag.
The promotion is a free application for all Business Accout Holders.
Local Safety Alert
Local Safety Alert
system will record a local incident that is happening in local community and it will auto send out an alert to Subscribed Members.