Several weeks ago, the world’s largest chip manufacturer, TSMC (Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Company), announced that it thinks it will be able to catch up with automotive demand by June. However, we believe that the unexpected Covid19 outbreak in Taiwan will cause more uncertainties on global chip supply.
Just one week after Mother’s Day, the infection cases raises up from 0 to 320 and it is still counting. It is believed that thousands people have been infected within last two weeks. This is a good lesson for the world. Without vaccines, the virus can cause a “killer outbreak” in anytime and in anywhere even in Taiwan - which is one of the most successful region by defending itself from covid19 ‘s invasion.
Taiwan has zero infection rate for a long time so the people adapt the safe environment and enjoy their lives without a concern of virus. They are too confident on their achievement so in Mother’s Day they totally forgot about the covid19 pandemic! Almost every family had a gathering for celebration and of course most of them were not wearing the face masks!
As a result, the tragedy happened and the outbreak of virus was predictable in such situation. What will be the worse scenario? If the Taiwan government could not eliminate the threat quickly then the closedown of chip factories will have serious impact on global chip supply industries!
What is the solution? Taiwan needs vaccines now and we can help! Two millions doses of vaccines are not even a problem to us! Do it now before it causes more damages.
We do not want to see the chain reactions!