Over 50 poll challengers/watchers were just testified in the Michigan senate five minutes ago and the testaments were shocking all of us! The following are the summary of the issues that were observed by the poll watchers.
1. All ballots were not clearly observed by poll chargers/watchers. That means the voting procedures are not monitored.
2. Many invalid ballots were still counted. eg. Ballot barcode does not match with the computer system. Mailing ballot Signature does not match the one in the system. Duplicated votes are found but they are still allowed for counting by supervisors.
3. According to the former secretary of state, Dr. Linda Lee Tarver, Over 23 % onsite votes can not be recounted and almost 73% mailing votes can not be recounted and verified!
4. With no reason, the security guards were asking poll watchers to leave the TCF polling center and blocked the windows with cardboards in Detroit regions.
5. According to an police officer, a mayor asked them to look after the Trump supporters and blocked them from entering the TCF in the Wednesday morning. (11/3)
6. We have voting laws and guidelines but the laws are bot fully enforced in Detroit and other urban areas in Michigan.
Our understanding and opinion: 1. if this could happen in Michigan then it could be happening in Pennsylvania, Georgia and all other states. We need to take a corresponding action to purify this process.
2. This presidential election result should not be certified before the investigations have been enforced and taken the place!
3. All votes in arguing states must be audited! If there is a need in case of the ballots can not be recounted, we may go for a revote!
This is our point: The voting procedure must be transparency and the vote counting must be observed, so we do not need the cardboards on the windows to cover something that is not even a secret!