維州州長Daniel Andrews,在上週第七次跑去中國向共產黨叩頭!並於週六返回墨爾本!不知道中共又給了他多少錢?或者又在中國包了那位情婦?😂
根據過往的歷史紀錄,工黨大貪腐醜聞好真不少!新南威爾士州工黨領袖人物:Eddie Obeid 和Ian Macdonald 曾經就涉及非法轉賣州府煤炭資源給一家和中共有密切關係的公司!令新南威爾士州損失8千3百萬公共財物!非常可恥!
Reference: Former party kingpin Eddie Obeid and ex-resources minister Ian Macdonald were last month found to have acted corruptly in the 2008 deal, following the largest-ever investigation by the state's Independent Commission Against Corruption (ICAC).
Obeid is accused of conspiring with Macdonald to rig a 2008 tender for a lucrative coal licence over land at Mount Penny, which he and his family secretly purchased in 2007-2008 and which soared in value once the licence was in place.