他還說,「我們不應該感到驚訝(作為一個享有民主自由的國家和人民) - 應對一個來自與我們不同生活方式的黨派和政府體系的代理人,一個經常散布國家認可的宣傳和虛假信息的人會做出如此過分下流的行為。」
It is unfortunate that the (Chinese) ministry of foreign affairs spokesperson stooped to such low and gutter-level talk - resorting to insulting our president and the Filipino nation, and further debasing herself, the ministry, and party she represents in the process," Teodoro said in a statement.
“But then again, we should not at all be surprised — being a nation and people enjoying the privileges, rights, and freedoms of a democratic society — that an agent of a Party and system of government incompatible with our way of life and who routinely spouts State-sanctioned propaganda and disinformation would go that far and that low,” Teodoro said.